Athletics & Little Athletics Centre
Tessa Morrison
Coaches - Sprints, hurdles, middle distance, jumps
What was your favourite sport as a kid? - I played a lot of different sports but as I got older focused on Athletics and hockey.
What is your highest sporting achievement? - For athletics it would be winning gold in the 300m hurdles at the NZ Secondary Schools nationals and also representing NZ in a development squad at the Arafura Games. I played representative hockey up until open women's and got a scholarship that covered my university tuition.
What do you do to calm your butterflies while you compete? - Breath through the nose and out through the mouth - visualise what needs to be done and don't think about anyone else.
What do you love about coaching young athletes? - I love seeing friendships grow and identifying what works to get the best performance out of different athletes.
What is your favourite ice cream flavour? - Good quality vanilla ice-cream
What is your dream holiday destination? - I love to travel and explore but for a proper holiday in summer it would be a quiet beach and in the winter it would be skiing.
What is your one piece of advice for a young athlete? - There's going to be good days and bad days and lots of in between so make sure you are enjoying yourself as opposed to worrying too much about the results.